Friday, January 11, 2013

Parks and Recreation Review

                    Parks and Recreation, a comedy show on the NBC network, is by far one of the most hilarious shows on TV right now. Amy Poehler, Michael Schur, and Greg Daniels are doing an amazing job at writing the show. Amy Poehler herself plays the main character so she really knows her role in-depth. The other actors also do well in their roles, such as Aziz Ansari. In fact, a lot of the actors on the show are already well known comedians. The show has been nominated for and won several awards, such as Best Comedy Series from The Comedy Awards. The show doesn't exactly follow a certain plot-line, but I think that's a good thing. This provides a lot more space for more episodes because shows that do follow certain plot-lines must come to an end eventually. This hilarious show deserves praise from everyone but I give it a 10/10 for it's amazing actors and knee-slapping funny writing.

A Quick Clip