Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Change Through Taylor

                Kids change a lot through their years at Taylor. Most of the changes are found in the student's personalities. Big changes are found each year at Taylor, but the biggest differences can be found in 6th and 8th graders.
                6th graders are the fresh, new kids entering Taylor with elementary mindsets. 6th graders usually have plenty of energy, they usually run to class, and are really attentive. 6th graders tend to care a little less than 8th graders about how they look. 6th graders smile a lot and enjoy school. Most of them are jolly, good kids.
                8th graders have been molded by Taylor and have very different mindsets. 8th graders tend to have less energy, usually walk to class, and pay less attention. Despite this, 8th grade CST scores are better than 6th grade scores. 8th graders are really focused on how they look. They tend to smile less and are usually bored by school.
                These changes through Taylor are easy to notice. Some of these changes are good and some are bad. Are these changes Taylor's fault or is this normal?


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