Wednesday, December 19, 2012


                   Interviews. An interview is a conversation between an interviewer and one or more persons with the interviewer trying to derive answers to certain questions. Journalistic interviews are usually set up so that people can understand more about an issue or subject, it is different from something like a job interview. In job interviews, the interviewer tries to find out if the person requesting a job has any useful qualities. To prepare for an interview, you must have one or more recording devices or a pen/pencil and paper, a time and place for the interview, a person or persons, and some questions to ask the person or persons. It is important to remember that during an interview you should be careful with the questions you ask and pay attention to the person being interview so you may be able to offer follow-up questions. After an interview, you should leave and make sure that your recording devices worked properly.
                   I will make sure to prepare for an interview properly. I will also pay attention to my questions and my interviewee. One thing that everyone should know about interviews is to not be stupid. Don't stutter or say, "Uh, um, you know,like," This may just be one of my pet peeves but I would be really annoyed if someone kept on using those filler words. Interviews are an important part of journalism and I hope to master the skill of interviewing.