Friday, December 7, 2012

Media Bias

Bias- An Opinion

                    The word bias can be easily simplified to an opinion, but a bias can be looked over as a lot more than just an opinion. Not all biases are bad, the word just has a negative connotation. Although, in journalism, biases can be bad as people are only interested in facts. Biases are a favoring of a side based on an opinion. Biases can help or people of be bad. Biases are not respected in journalism, but it is almost always there.
                    Bias is not needed often in journalism but biases are found in everyday life. Most biases are good, such as liking to eat food instead of cyanide, and liking to drink water instead of bleach. In journalism, biases can really affect someone's life. By inserting your biases into articles and such you can easily destroy a man's reputation. Pretty much the only place where bias belongs in the news is in reviews, as people want to hear a professionals opinion, but in cases of actual news, not so much. In my integrity post, I said that if one of your family members was accused of a crime, you should not be biased and say that your family member was wrongly incarcerated, despite the evidence against them. Being biased can really change a man's point of view. Readers might start changing their morals and ideas just because of some biased article. Some biases can be good, but they should be avoided in journalism.
                    I will try not to be biased in my work. I will not insert my opinions into my posts and such. I will have my opinions, but I will not try to alter anyones views on certain issues in a wrong way. Biases can be good, but I will avoid them in journalism.
Have a bias toward action - let's see something happen now. You can break that big plan into small steps and take the first step right away.
-Indira Gandhi


1 comment:

  1. Great job, especially when you explained the meaning of media bias
